Valley actress prominent since the 2000s.

Angry Housewives, Arizona Broadway Theatre. Herbert Pain, Broadway World. Com, September 2014.
When it comes to consistency and quality in musical performance, Arizona Broadway Theatre stands among the top of the Valley of the Sun’s list. Its current production of The Angry Housewives closes its Ninth Season with a rollicking and rolling blast from the past ~ the ’80’s, that is ~ featuring an outstanding cast of eight accomplished and highly talented actors.
The Angry Housewives, directed by Mace Archer and based on the book by A. M. Collins and Chad Henry’s music and lyrics, is a light-hearted entertainment about a quartet of frustrated suburban women who decide to break loose from the chains that restrain them, form a punk rock band, and compete for a modest but much-wanted cash prize at the local hard rock hangout.
Bev (Rori Nogee) is recently widowed and struggling to make ends meet with her Mohawk-haired and high-strung (literally!) son Tim (Conner Morley). Jetta (Molly Lajoie), sporting a name which may portend her future flight from dutiful wife, is married to Larry (Brian Sweis), who has a Neanderthal notion of the role of spouse. Carol (Monica Ban) is a sharp-tongued divorcee whose 35 lbs. gain only adds to her frustration. Wendi (Kathi Osborne) is seeing fisherman Wallace (Greg Kalafatas) whose devotion to laminating fins trumps romance. Clearly, it’s time for these gals to break loose!
The show’s tempo goes upbeat when the fab four transform from models of civic virtue to heavy metal. It’s a sight to behold, particularly when Lajoie, in a sparkling and energetic turn of song and dance, morphs from meek wife to raging rocker, takes to the mike, and hammers out an unforgettable rendition of Corn Flakes.
Young Frankenstein, Arizona Broadway Theatre. Herb Paine, Broadway World. com. May 2014.
Arizona Broadway Theatre gives life to ”Young Frankenstein” in the musical adaptation of Mel Brooks’ homage to the classic horror films of the 1930’s, which opened on May 23rd and runs through June 22nd.
The company surmounts the challenge that comes with any effort to breathe vitality into parody, particularly the Mel Brooks variety that thrives on shtick. Making shtick click and stick ain’t easy! It requires a magical blend of comic timing, delivery, and over-the-top acting. In the hands of the right performers, the parody’s punch lines and double entendres will resonate and the audience’s endorphins will be off on a joy ride. Several noteworthy performances prove the point. …
Frau Blücher, the forbidding presence that causes horses to neigh at the sound of her name, is skillfully portrayed by Kathi Osborne who shows her comic virtuosity in the semi-sorrowful rendition of “He Vas My Boyfriend.” …
The whole production knits together because of the inspired and masterful collaboration between Tralen Doler (director and choreographer) and his technical team, Morgan Andersen (costumes), Tim Monson (lighting), JR McAlexander (music), and Jack Magaw. (scenic design).
Pippin, Phoenix Theatre. Gil Benbrook, TalkingBroadway.com. March, 2014.
Kathi Osborne is Berthe, Pippin’s grandmother. Osborne makes Berthe a fun-loving and sensual lady and she also has an enjoyable time with her first act solo “No Time at All.”