She is one of the hottest stars in Valley theatre, but you won’t see her in front of the footlights. Adriana Diaz’s costume designs for Childsplay and Phoenix Theatre have set new standards in visual splendor for the local stage.
Her efforts range from the bucolic (Charlotte’s Web) to the sleekly sophisticated (Memphis), but they were never more beautiful or provocative than they were in PT’s lavish circus-set Pippin.
Check your program. If Adriana’s name is listed, your senses are in for a treat.
“I am originally from Tulsa. Okla., where I went to the University of Tulsa. It was there that I got introduced and developed a passion for costumes and costume design. After undergrad, I moved to Phoenix for an internship at Phoenix Theatre. After my internship, I worked at small theaters in the valley like Black Theatre Troupe, Greasepaint Scottsdale Youtheatre and Arizona Jewish Theatre. In 2009. I moved to Maryland to get my graduate degree and where I studied under Helen Huang. Helen is an amazing, passionate woman who pushes and pulls on her students and really changes one’s approach and thought of design. I also got to study with other great professors such as Dan Conway, Misha Kaufmann, and Brian Mcdevitt, all great designers in their own right. After graduation, I returned to Phoenix and have been very happy to be able to find such great opportunity here.”
- Anything Goes . Robbie Harper . Phoenix Theatre 2015
- King Lear . Jared Sakren . Southwest Shakespeare 2015
- The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane . David Saar . Childsplay Remount, 2014
- Memphis . Michael Barnard . Phoenix Theatre 2014
- Charlotte’s Web . Anthony Runfola . Childsplay 2014
- Fairy Worlds . Jared Sakren . Southwest Shakespeare 2014
- Equivocation . David Barker . Southwest Shakespeare 2014
- Redneck Tenors . Michael Barnard . Pursuit of Happiness 2014
- Taming of the Shrew . Sabin Epstein . Southwest Shakespeare 2014
- Cash on Delivery . Kevin Dressler . Hale Center Theatre 2014
- The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane . David Saar . Childsplay 2013
- Ruthless . Michael Barnard . Phoenix Theatre 2013
- Little Women . D. Scott Withers . Hale Center Theatre 2013
- Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson . Ron May . Phoenix Theatre 2013
- Hairspray . Cambrian James . Hale Center Theatre 2013
- Private Lives . Don Bluth . Southwest Shakespeare 2013
- Love Makes the World Go Round . Larry Raben . Phoenix Theatre 2013
- Christmas Carol Don Bluth Southwest Shakespeare 2012
- The Big Meal . Johanna Gruenhut . Studio Theatre DC 2012
- Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day . Gail Humphries . Adventure Theatre 2012
- Rent . Alan Mingo . The University of Maryland 2011
- The Seagull . Walter Dallas . The University of Maryland 2011
- They are of Threaded Glass . Lauren Withhart . The University of Maryland 2010
- Pippin . D. Scott Withers . Greasepaint Youth Theatre 2009
- The Bluest Eyes . Adleane Hunter . Black Theatre Troupe 2009
- A Winters Tale . Richard Baird. Southwest Shakespeare 2009
- Smokey Joe’s Cafe. Philip Fazio . Black Theatre Troupe 2009
- The Last Night of the Ballyhoo . Dan Shay. Arizona Jewish Theatre 2008
- Pulp . Ron May . Stray Cat Theatre 2008
- Into The Woods . D. Scott Withers . Greasepaint Youth Theatre 2008
- Metamorphosis . Damon Dering . Nearly Naked Theatre 2007
- Altar Boyz . Robert Kolby .Harper . Phoenix Theatre 2007
- The Sorcerer . Eric Gibson . Light Opera Oklahoma 2006
- Pippin . Cari Smith . Phoenix Theatre 2013
- Rakes Progress . Rooth Varland . Wolftrap Opera 2012
- Don Giovanni . Vita Tzykun . Wolftrap Opera 2012
- The Taming of the Shrew . Helen Huang . Folger Theatre 2012
- The Golden Dragon . Helen Huang . Studio Theatre 2011
- The Tales of Hoffmann . Mattie Ulrich . Wolftrap Opera 2011
- Le Donne Curiose . Camille Assaf . Wolftrap Opera 2011
- Clyborne Park . Helen Huang . Woolly Mammoth Theatre 2010
- Much Ado About Nothing . Helen Huang Folger Theatre 2009
- ariZoni award best hair and make up design 2013
- ariZoni award best costume design 2009
- National Youth Award for outstanding costume design 2009
- Nominated for ariZoni best costume design 2008, 2009, 2013, 2014
- University of Maryland, College Park, MFA in Costume Design May 2012
- University of Tulsa, BA Theatre with an emphasis in costume design 2006
- Phoenix Theatre Internship in Technical Theatre 2006-2007

And go here for the You Tube version of Adriana talking about her designs.

“If there’s a top-of-the-heap winner here, it’s Adriana Diaz, whose costume design — particularly a crimson dressing gown printed with ladies’ shoes and trimmed in black feathers — offers a parade of amusing frocks and furbelows that telegraph comedy as effortlessly as the actors — all of whom appear to be having a ball.” – Excerpt from Robrt Pela’s review in the New Times.

“Adriana Diaz’s costumes offer clever double duty with the greasy unkemptness of torn jeans and motorcycle leathers trimmed in fringed epaulets and lacy collars.” – Excerpt from Robrt Pela’s review in the New Times.